What Are Scouts
Scouts offers a programme full of fun activities, from camping to climbing, hillwalking to canoeing and much more. Scouts offers opportunities for adventure and developing life skills.
Who Are They?
Falkoner Scouts are girls and boys aged 10½ to 14 years old from Headingley and surrounding areas.When & Where Do They Meet?
Falkoner Scout Troop meets on Fridays from 7pm to 9pm in the halls of Headingley Methodist Church, opposite the Arndale Centre in the heart of HeadingleyHow To Join
If you or your child are aged 10½ to 14 and are interested in joining our Scouts or if you are 18 or over and would like to join our enthusiastic team of Leaders then click on the link below and fill in the relevant joining or volunteering formWhat makes Falkoner Scouts great?
Becoming independent
Much of what Scouts do has a high-level of independence and their own decision-making. We therefore tailor our programme to their wants and needs. We have received feedback from employers that our Scouts have performed better than other candidates due to their social confidence, leadership and problem-solving skills.