Beavers is the Scout section for Boys & Girls aged 5¾ to 8.
At Falkoner Scout Group our Beaver Colony meets on Thursdays from 6.30pm to 7.30pm in the halls of Headingley Methodist Church, opposite the Arndale Centre in the heart of Headingley (location map)
The Colony offers a programme of fun filled activities including crafts, playing games, badgework, baking, bowling, swimming, going on visits, helping others and making friends.
If your child is at least 4 years old and you are interested in them joining our Beavers when they are old enough then please fill in a joining form and we will add them to our waiting list. Places in our Colony will be allocated based on our waiting list policy, we will contact you to confirm your child has been added to our waiting list and then if and when a space is available for your child to join our Colony.
If you are aged over 18 and would like to join our enthusiastic team of Leaders please fill in a volunteering form.
For more information about Beaver Scouts in general visit Scouts.org.uk/Beavers
For more useful information for parents of members or parents of potential members have a look at our Parents Info page